21/8/2023 - Day 1 : 1. Introduction to AWS 2. What is Cloud and Cloud Computing? 3. Why and What companies are using AWS? 4. Overview of AWS Services
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22/8/2023 - Day 2 : 1. What is EC2? 2. Unix and Linux Flavors 3. AWS Terminology 4. Creating Windows Instance & connect 5. Creating Linux Instance & c
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23/8/2023 - Day 3 : 1. Web Server and Linux Commands 2. How to lunch a webserver using bash?
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24/8/2023 - Day 4 : 1. What is Load Balancer? 2. Purpose of Load Balancer 3. Create a Load Balancer 4. Prove purposes of Load Balancer
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25/8/2023 - Day 5 : 1. What is ASG and why we use it? 2. How to create Launch Template? 3. How to create Auto Scaling Groups?
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